

Green Jade

Green Jade - Can Arouse And Preserve Love

Jade is believed to endow its possessor the ability to interpret dreams.

Green Jade has been the most sought after stone since 5000 B.C. The ancient Egyptians and Mayans believed it could arouse and preserve love.

It has beneficial effects on all glandular functions, lowers fever and has a detoxifying effect on body by stimulating the kidneys. Psychologically it calms and counteracts prejudices, giving its possessor a sense of judgment, justice and contentment.

Jade symbolizes renewal. In Asia, Jade is still considered a lucky stone and frequently worn as an amulet. Very effective on the forehead and solar plexus. It helps inspire the mind and make quick and precise decisions. Effective while making business transactions. In personal life it helps stimulate love, bonds and tie-up our commitments. Carry your Jade along wherever you go for getting things to work for you practically. It is symbolic for long and prosperous life. Corresponds to the sacral or forehead chakra hence energized Green Jade works as a philosopher’s stone to stimulate your wisdom and desired goals.
Should be used on the sacral, forehead or solar plexus chakra.

Place Jade on the forehead for quarter of an hour before going to sleep. If the stone becomes opaque or takes a while to warm up on the body, cleanse under running water. Recharge dry Jade overnight in an Amethyst geode.

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